Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, November 3, 2017

Bolshies, man...

Communism is not dead.

It is stronger and more entrenched today than it has ever been.

Very few major Leftists self-identify as 'Communists', especially in the American Left.  They've re-branded.  They've evolved some of their tactics and even strategies.  

But the Doctrine remains as it ever was: world domination.

Here's a piece in the WSJ.  That organization is 'Globalist' in its world view.

They are mentally incapable of recognizing how thoroughly 'Communist' they have become.

Most people are equally as blind.  They'll cash that welfare check or .Gov paycheck for their entire lives - while claiming (and even believing) that they are solid Patriots on the proper side of the 'Liberty' question and 'Liberty best practices.

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